SUBJECT - Academic Skills Assessment


DATE - 10/9/97

NUMBER - 6390


I. Purpose


To assure that students register for the course most appropriate to their skill level, academic skills assessment is essential to assist students in making choices that will enable them to obtain their educational goals.


II. Procedures


A. The academic skills assessment (English, reading, and mathematics) is required of students prior to registering for their first LCCC credit course.

B. The results of the academic skills assessment are used to help students select appropriate entry level courses.

C. The college also accepts standard scores on the ACT and/or ASSET for placement in reading, English, and math. These scores should be on file at the admissions office prior to new student orientation or a student may present scores at orientation, advising, or registration.

D. The LCCC academic skills assessment instrument is COMPASS, used by most institutions of higher education in Wyoming.

E. Exemptions to the academic skills assessment are found in the current college catalog.