SUBJECT - Faculty Recognition and Awards



NUMBER – 6590



I. Purpose


To recognize LCCC faculty/staff members for outstanding professional achievements, excellence in teaching, and years of service.


II. Procedure


A. Years of Service

1. The Personnel Office is responsible for maintaining records of length of service and for coordinating service awards based on the following criteria:

a. Five years of service--certificate

b. Ten years of service--plaque

c. Fifteen years of service--pen and pencil set

d. Twenty years of service--jewelry gift certificate

e. Twenty-five years of service--to be determined

2. Awards for years of service will be presented at the LCCC spring awards banquet.

B. Outstanding Faculty

1. The LCCC Faculty Senate is responsible for:

a. Establishing the criteria for identifying "outstanding"  faculty.

b. Developing and administering the selection process.

c. Recognizing one outstanding instructor from each  academic/vocational division.*

*The Division of Life, Health, and Physical Sciences is divided into two areas consisting of Life Sciences and Physical Sciences. An outstanding instructor is selected from each of these two areas.

2. Awards for outstanding faculty are presented during LCCC graduation ceremonies by representatives of the Faculty Senate.

3. It is the responsibility of the Faculty Senate and the Dean of Instruction's Office to provide funding for the outstanding faculty awards.

4. Additional faculty recognition and awards may be granted at the discretion of division directors and/or the dean of instruction.