SUBJECT - Campus Facilities (Instructional)



NUMBER - 6740



I. Purpose


To provide the priorities for determining the use of instructional facilities such as classrooms, computer labs, physical education facilities, etc.


II. Procedure


1. Instructional facilities for all credit classes are assigned in the Dean of Instruction's office. Noncredit classes are scheduled through the Community Services/Continuing Education office, and off-campus groups are scheduled through the coordinator of facilities. All assignments of instructional facilities are based on the following priorities:


a. LCCC credit classes.

b. LCCC noncredit classes (Community Services and Continuing  Education).

c. Educational institutions that have entered into articulation  agreements with LCCC (Regis College of Denver, University of  Wyoming, Laramie County School District #1).

d. Off-campus organizations.


2. Priority for use of facilities in the Center ,for Conferences and Institutes will be assigned first to LCCC noncredit classes, including conferences, seminars, workshops, and customized training. On a space-available basis, credit classes and off-campus groups can be scheduled.


3. For scheduling of computer labs, please see Procedure 6761-Computer Lab Use.


4. The master schedule in the Dean of Instruction's office becomes the final authority as to whom has use of rooms (labs and classrooms) at any given time.